Monday, September 24, 2012

3 - 2 - 1 GO!!!

Yikes, it is that time already. it's kinda surreal ... you train all season for a race and then BOOM! It is there ... the big race.  And as you see it getting closer you have to be confident in your training ... that you have done all you can do ... and now it's just about packing, logistics, and actually racing your bike.

Well, it's that time for me! Not exactly the race i traned for all year since Worlds got cancelled. But fighting for a US National title isn't so bad either. On top of that I get to see a new place - the race is in Colorado Springs - a place i haven't been before. It's 6500ft in the air (yikes) and in the mountains ... it's gonna be good. and yes, it's gonna be hard :)

Well, this week is all about prepping, trying to sleep as much as possible, eating, and prepping some more. Off we go ..........