Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Simple pleasures

There are days when i really appreciate the simple pleasures of life. This is one of them and I had to share ...
- the touch of a loving hand
- the sound of a familiar voice
- the smile of a passing strainger
- the feel of the sun
- the smell of spring in the air
- the feeling you get after a great workout

Life is a series of moments strung together ... enjoy all the special moments that happen each day!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Everyone says it ...  you think you are in shape until you do something different/new.  Then you realize that you aren't really in shape, you are just good at certain things/sports :)

And yes, bootcamp is killing me.  Butterfly situps, pushups with clapping, lunges with 25lbs held over your head, squats with weight, sumo squats, burpees ....

ok, ok ... here are the real details:  Bootcamp starts at 6am on Tuesday and Thurdays. It runs about 1.5 hours ... we start with some stretching, a warm up (jog, run, sprint, shuffle, kick step, etc)  and then 'core'. core is about 20 minutes of lunges, pushups, situps, burpees, and squats with weights. it is as many set as you can do in the 20 minutes. I am sweating (read dripping) by the time we are done. What a workout!!!!

Then we head outside to do some running.  Sometimes we do sprints, sometimes hills, and sometimes an endurance run. At the end we usually 'cash out' with max pullups or something like that.

and yes, it is whipping me into shape!!!

last week the butterfly situps killed my adducters ... today the clapping pushups are killing my arms ... oh yes, i will be in shape after a few months of this!!!