Sunday, January 24, 2010

Where's Waldo?

So, it's been a bit quiet on the blog lately which means my life has been nothing of the sort ... here's what we've been up to:

Christmas in Nova Scotia with my family. We felt like true celebrities with a different group of friends/family visting us at Mom & Dad's each day of the 7 days we were home. Mix in a few long runs, some hockey, loads of great friends, visits, and family time and you have an awesome Christmas.  We even got to visit our friends Alan & Gita on the way home which was the perfect end to our vacation!

New Years on the bike. Yes, we are still biking on dirt trails here in Seattle. Bringing in the New Year on the trails with fellow mountain bikers ... need I say more?

Checking out new trails. The mountain bike community here in Seattle is amazing. We are getting new trails all the time .... this time of year is a great time to check out the trails.

Working too much. OK this one is lame ... but I'd rather be working harder this time of year and easier in the summer. it's all about balance and priorities :)

That about sums it up... I'm glossing over loads of details but you get the picture :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Not your regular race report

Last weekend we took part in a local event called the 'stinky spoke'. It's called 'stinky' because the weather can be kinda stinky in January. It was a poker run and I think I likely had the worst hand of the lot. We went with some friends and had some good laughs, good food, and some good intervals! It was a lot of fun ...

Here is a picture of 'stinky pinky' - they have a silent auction so you can make your friends ride it.  No, none of us were riding it.

Here is a photo of us posing along the 'race course' after we each got another card for our poker hand. to the left of this photo was a 'jump' where lots of super endos were getting photographed. Pretty funny stuff.