Sunday, December 28, 2008

Back to challenge La Ruta in 2009

Ever since I completed La Ruta in 2004, I have always wanted to go back and 'race' it. The first time I rode it, the goal was simply to finish, and I was happy with that. Since getting into racing and getting into better shape, I have always wanted to go back and see what I could do ... well, it looks like 2009 is the year.

They now have 5 stages, yes, I said five - check it out: Less road, more dirt, more singletrack, and more climbing. What more could I ask for? Frase got our plane tickets to Costa Rica for Christmas - all that is left to do is register for the race ... oh, and train of course! We are both going to do the race and are very excited!

It's almost a year away but never too early to start planning!!! 2009 is going to be a great year!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Who says seattle doesn't get SNOW?

Well, whoever it was, was wrong! We got snow ... and it is still on the ground. OK, it was only about an inch ... but it covered everything in white (and the roads in ice). Walking outside you get that wintery crunch/squeak sound that reminds you that it's winter.

The slopes close by got about 4 feet ...sounds like a snow day is in order soon! It definately feels a lot like Christmas ....

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Another great day, another great ride

Today was a beautiful fall day (not raining!!) and I took full advantage of it. My partner in crime today was Yvonne and we decided to try something new - St Edwards Park. It was a blast. Not a tonne of climbing (600 ft in 2 hours) but loads of fun twisty single-track with loads of roots, log piles, skinnies, and bridges.

We got totally lost, turned around, and confused but it was a great time! I love these fall days in DECEMBER where you can ride outside. The trails at St Edwards drain really well so the riding was pretty dry too! What a great day. It was one of those days where i had to say 'I love living in Seattle where I can ride outside in December!'.

I definately got my dose of fresh air and sunshine today!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Turkey Dinner

Well, I made my first turkey dinner last weekend - for US thanksgiving. It was delicious ... I love to cook so that part was fun too!

We started the day with a late breakfast. After breakfast I got the dinner stuff all set, popped the turkey in the oven, and then ventured out for a 3 hour ride (what is turkey day without a ride??). Coming home to a house smelling of cooked turkey and yummy fixings was an amazing way to end the ride!

We are still eating turkey (sandwiches, left-overs, you name it) but I am feeling prepared for Christmas - I'll be making turkey dinner for 9 of us on Xmas day!

Anyone want some turkey?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Time to set some goals

For the past few weeks I felt like I was just 'going through the motions' training wise. I've been on my bike and I've done some good rides ... but my focus and drive just weren't there. This past weekend we had a 4-day weekend due to the US thanksgiving ... and I had a chance to catch my breath - and realize what I was missing.

I have goals for next season but hadn't set any intermediate goals for my training. This past weekend I took some time to sit down and do this ... it's only been a few days but I feel that my focus is definately back and my drive is better than ever. I'm a numbers girl - I like to know much faster I am riding my favorite loop at Tiger, how many watts I can push on those weekday rides in the garage, and how fast I can climb to the top of Tiger West. If I have numbers to shoot for, I will work harder!

I am definately getting excited about next season. To remind myself of my goals I've made a small poster and taped it up in the Garage for those indoor rides. I also see it everytime I grab my mtb for a ride outside ... very usefull!

Christmas Tree

So tonight I got our Christmas tree ... it was pretty funny actually.

There I am, all dressed up in my work clothes with heals and a fancy coat, in the pouring rain .. picking out a tree. The tree people were getting a kick out of me! I picked out a great tree though ... here is a picture of it drying off in the Garage with the biking gear...

Let the holidays begin ... Happy holidays!