Monday, December 1, 2008

Time to set some goals

For the past few weeks I felt like I was just 'going through the motions' training wise. I've been on my bike and I've done some good rides ... but my focus and drive just weren't there. This past weekend we had a 4-day weekend due to the US thanksgiving ... and I had a chance to catch my breath - and realize what I was missing.

I have goals for next season but hadn't set any intermediate goals for my training. This past weekend I took some time to sit down and do this ... it's only been a few days but I feel that my focus is definately back and my drive is better than ever. I'm a numbers girl - I like to know much faster I am riding my favorite loop at Tiger, how many watts I can push on those weekday rides in the garage, and how fast I can climb to the top of Tiger West. If I have numbers to shoot for, I will work harder!

I am definately getting excited about next season. To remind myself of my goals I've made a small poster and taped it up in the Garage for those indoor rides. I also see it everytime I grab my mtb for a ride outside ... very usefull!