Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Getting coached again

I hate to admit it, but it's true. I've gotten lazy. I am not saying i don't ride. I do! And i LOVE long rides, so i do quite a few miles too!  I am saying that I don't ride FAST enough most of the time. I'm lazy :)

To help get me out of my 'lazy slump' i've decided to get a coach. And yeah, i am lazy. :) Since last Friday i have done a 20 minute Time Trial, a 2 hour hard endurance effort, and a set of intervals! Left to my own devices i would have done any easy 2 hour ride, and MAYBE one set of intervals :)

So far i am really enjoying being coached! My coach is Shaun Taylor - a fellow mountain biker and 24hr Soloist. He uses www.TrainingPeaks.com to track training and nutrition (the software is impressive!) and covers the whole gammet from power and heart-rate to technical skillwork. I'm excited!!

I've got my powertap back up and operational on my road bike and am enjoying capturing numbers and analyzing them again. I love numbers :)

The truth will be in the results/fitness at Worlds - we've got 4 months to get there :)