Sunday, August 17, 2008

Exercise Induced Asthma

Heat + Humidity + 2 long days in the saddle == Exercise-induced asthma

I'm lucky. I don't get asthma that often ... in fact, i only get it when it's HOT and HUMID and I've been riding for a while. This makes me lazy when it comes to taking my puffer -- I don't take it regularly - OK, I taken it maybe 4 times this season and they were all while I was having asthma issues.

This past weekend I did 5 hard hours at Tiger in 30 C heat and 70% humidity. The next day Frase and I headed out for a 75 mile road ride in 32C heat and 78% humidity. About 45 miles into the ride we had to stop. I couldn't breath ... I had really bad asthma! It was pretty scary so I sat in the ditch while Fraser worriedly waited for me to catch my breath. We took the last 30 miles pretty easy ... and I was able to make it home without another incident.

I have promised to faithfully take my puffer before every ride and to take it WITH me when I ride ...

Exercise-induced asthma is a weird thing. I kind of know the conditions that set it off ... but because they don't ALWAYS set it off ... I get lazy. I wrongly assume that because my fitness is better, my lungs are better too. I was reminded this weekend that fitness does not mean your asthma goes away!!!

On the positive side, my stomach was very happy all weekend and it seems that the new fueling strategy is going to work!!!