Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Heat wave in Seattle

I really didn't ever think I'd say 'heat wave' and 'Seattle' in the same sentence but it's true! Ever since the the NW championships it's been hot and humid here in Seattle. The government has actually issued a 'heat warning' for the next few days -it's supposed to reach 90F today and tomorrow! Bring out the fans, boys and girls, it is going to be HOT.

So with all this hot weather I have to admit that sleeping has been tough (no A/C in Seattle) but on the up side i am slowly becoming adjusted and dare I say it? Acclimitized!

It also means that my favorite haunt, Tiger, is nice and dry (read: fast)!! The commute has been nice - early in the moring and later in the evening (my commuting times) it is nice and cool so it's not that bad.

The other fun thing about all this heat and sun is that my garden is growing like crazy! I have one bean plant over a foot tall and multiple tomatoes plants that are flowering already ... I love fresh hand-picked veggies!!!

I won't complain - it's been a rainy cold spring. I welcome the sun!!