Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cascade Adventure - Day 3

How does it go - 'the best laid plans...'?

Today was one of those days. We headed out with plans to ride Devil's Gulch, Mission Ridge, and Tornsen Ridge over by Cle Elum. We headed up Tronsen Ridge trail and when I say UP, I mean UP. The switch-back single-track turned into steep hike-a-bike which lasted for 2 miles. 2 miles and 2000 feet later we were at the top and in for some great views (see Ranier in the background?).

Once on top of the ridge it wasn't too long before we were in for some true ridge riding - one moment you had a steep drop-off to the right and then we'd cross to the other side and have a steep drop to the left. The views were breath-taking and so was the riding. We were always on our toes - and no one more than me. I was totally out of my comfort zone - I really don't like off-camber riding ... and when it is accompanied by a steep drop to one side and some technical sections ... Lets just say I was very focused on the trail in front of me :)

We rode along the ridge for quite a while, did some crazy detours where we would eventually decide that it was insane to keep riding - er- pushing our bikes, and turn around to find the 'real' trail again. Here is a photo of one of the 'hike a bike' sections of the ridge line.
The ridge riding was a little more crazy then we had bargained for and our initial plan had us riding two more ridge lines. At the turn we had a quick conversation and agreed to head straight down and skip the two additional ridge rides. Turns out the ridge we rode was rated black diamond ... The other two are apparently better. Another day.

By the time we got back to the car (20 miles and 4000 feet of climbing later) it was right around 4 hours of riding and since Kate's break pads were toast and Fraser's headset was toast, we decided to call it a day. It's all about perspective - we were so prepared for an 8 hour day in the saddle that 4 hours seemed lame. Too funny. We finished off the weekend with an awesome BBQ and lots of chocolate chip cookies. Look out girls ... Kate's ready for TransRockies!! :)