Monday, April 27, 2009

Ummm ...200KM hurts!

This weekend was a big training weekend - my last big one before NW 24hr Solos Champs.

I did 200KM in 6hrs on Saturday (yes, 200km) - I was toast at the end. My legs hurt. It hurt to walk down the stairs, walk up the stairs, do I need to go on? All I could do was sit and eat the food that my wonderful husband cooked for me. He just got back from a week in Moab mountain biking ... more on that later.

So Saturday night I was sitting and eating as much as possible knowing I had another 6 hour day in front of me. And admitedly woundering how I was going to do it.

Sunday morning I got up and got ready for my ride. I took off for Tiger, ready for any weather that may greet me. It was pretty freaking cold at first ... I had my warm leg-warmers on, my 'downhill' shorts, three layers on the top plus a vest .... and of course my little hat. I love my little hats - they keep my ears happy! Off I went. Tiger is a bit unforgiving. You start up hill .... for 30 minutes straight. The first fifteen minutes I wasn't sure I could ride for 6 hours. Then I decided that I'd eventually warm up and even though my legs hurt I could keep on pedalling. Once I got into the single-track I was convinced I could ride as long as I wanted :) I love single track!!!

It ended up being a fantastic day. The sun even peeked through for the last hour of my ride. I did 4 loops of Tiger plus one of Iverson for a total of 80km on the mountain bike. Not my fastest laps ... but not my slowest either.

All in all I am feeling ready for Spokane! I am also ready for my recovery week this week :)