Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tiger: 1, Monilee: 0

Tiger mountain opened last week (April 15th) so i just had to head up on Sunday to check it out ...

The climb to the top was pretty dry which seemed promising. Getting close to the top I started to see patches of snow ... hmmmm ... not so promising. Into the single track and there was about 1 mile of snow followed by a nice dry spell (it was pretty weird actually - it was sooo dry). And then the fun started ... lots of water and wet. Tiger is so rocky and rooty that when it is wet it is like riding down a riverbed. I forgot just how abusive this trail is on your body.

So, i was flying down the wet rocky downhill when ouch - what was that? A rock bit me! Have you ever had a rock bite? This rock was big too so it did not mess around. I have a nice blue shin and it took a fair chunk of skin off my leg.

I opted to take the power line back (more hills and no single track) for the bottom part of the loop ... Timberline is always wetter than the top of the mountain - it does not drain as well. It was fun to get back to my favorite haunt but I'll give it a few more weeks to dry out before I do a longer ride there.

Tiger (well actually rock): 1, Monilee:0 I expect this score to change drastically over the summer :)