Sunday, October 26, 2014

Maya is on the move!

I know, I know ... all parents say this ... but it's true! Maya is growing SO fast!  I can't believe she is 15 weeks now! in two weeks she will be 4 months!

She can roll over now, has found her thumb, is very verbal about what she does not like - and pushes/bats things away she does not want, does a half-sit up when you lay her down and she does not want to lay down ... it is just amazing to see her personality and her skills develop!

Unfortunately some of her 'skills' have gone backwards ... she no longer sleeps  4 hours in a row :( It's back to eating every 2 hours - but still she will sleep on her wedge, rock 'n' play, or bed .... which is better than a person :) 

Speaking of backwards ... this girl can scoot ever so slowly backwards on her tummy now - and can rotate in circles while on her tummy :) That one is funny to watch ;-)  She also does a thing I call 'back crawling'. While on her back she uses the plank pose (really! she digs in her deals and lifts up her bum) to push herself either backwards or forwards, depending on what she wants. All this moving around makes diaper changes entertaining ... She is not one you can leave anywhere but the floor safely anymore :)

She's also into chewing and drooling - I thought that phase was a few months out, but man, she loves to chew and suck on anything and everything .. and drool .... bibs are part of her regular attire now :)

oh, and speaking of "on the move", I have learned to nurse while wearing her in the bjorn ... makes family outings much easier.  She really likes it - the upright position is good for her reflux :)

She is pretty strong and really good at holding herself up - has a really strong core, so you have to hold on to her pretty tight :)

She still loves to sing! 

yup, found her thumb!