Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rain, Rain go away ... little Monilee wants to play!

So yeah, it's been raining in Seattle. and when i say raining i don't mean a light sprinkle here and there. i mean full on torrential downpours that leave you soaked to the skin. I'm talking about Tiger becoming a river and learning to embrace the mud cause you have no choice. I'm talking about roots and rocks that are so wet you don't even try to steer ... you just point and slide.

It has it's upside: hey, i'm getting better at riding wet roots/rocks. but i have to say, i'm getting tired of it :) I am ready for the rain to stop and the sunshine to kick in. Any moment now, i'm sure! Instead of doing 'ice cream rides' where i find cool ice cream i've been doing 'coffee shop rides' and i don't even drink coffee :)

ah well, all good trainng to toughen up my mind and improve my mtb skills, i suppose. But if it's sunny at Worlds i may just spend the whole race dancing in a circle and not actually riding my bike :)

They say tomorrow is supposed to be sunny ... it's the 4th of July so we get the day off. As long as it is not raining, i am one happy camper! We're doing another epic ride and i'm stocked - this time it's a tour of Whitbey Island!

Speaking of Epic rides, i guess it's time to catch up a bit :) here is what i've been up to:
- Snoqualmie Falls Hills (100 miles, 6,000 ft of climbing)
- Tiger (of course)
- Tour of Eastren Seattle (100+ miles, 4,000 ft of climbing)

Soon it will be time to kit up for STP and we are stoked! Lots of fun and adventourous rides to train for the event - isn't it fun to have something to train for? :)