Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Race across the sky

Well, that didn't last long ... the transition thing I mean ...

Last weekend we went out with some cycling friends to watch 'Race Across The Sky'. Wow, want to get physched for long races? Want to get physched to do something epic? Want to get physched to train??? Then you NEED to see this!

It's an amazing documentary about the Leadvill 100 race. It's pretty cool. By the time the movie ended I was writing up my trianing plan in my head, ditching the idea of 'transition', and ready to get back on my bike for some serious rides - well, longer ones anyway.

All that said, the honest truth is that I am currently refining my diet - which means I am reading lots of books on how to eat as an athlete. I figure if i am going to race with the pros I should make an attempt to eat like them :). It's been interesting so far. What I am learning is that I should choose more complex carbs (read vegetables that are not potatoes) and that I am not getting enough protein. The potatoe thing makes me sad - as many of you know, potatoes have been my favorite vegetable for a long, long time. The other one that makes me sad is corn on the cob. What can I say? I am in no way a suger or sweets nut .. but I like my carbs. The trick will be just to eat less of them and more of the complex good stuff like spinich.

The other thing I am working on right now is figureing out my training plan for the year, listing out my wish list of races, and figureing out my focus for the 2010 season. Admist this I have become reunited with my love for running, am lifing some weights, and am enjoying some fall riding.

Life is good.