Saturday, August 15, 2009

Gear review - Terry Saddles

Time for another gear review ... this time I'll talk about something that can make or break your ride - saddles! Before I go any further I want to say that 'no saddle fits all' so if you are looking at getting a new saddle, see if you can 'try before you buy' (maybe a friend has one you can try?). It has to be right for your body geometry and your riding style.

I love Terry Saddles - they seem to make a fit for every type of riding and rider. I am going to start with what I'll call the 'comfort' performance saddle - the Terry Butterfly. This was my first Terry saddle and what made me fall in love with Terry saddles. I purchased my first mountain bike in 2001 so the memory is still pretty clear. The bike came with some stiff men's saddle and I just couldn't understand how people could love to ride their bikes for more than 1 hour at a time - my bum hated it! It hurt, I had to stand a lot, and worst of all - i developed sores in short rides. Not good. I talked to some girls about the issue at hand and found out that it wasn't me - it wasn't that I needed time to 'adjust', it was my saddle. Aha! I did a lot of research and landed on the Terry butterfly. It had great reviews. Here is my take:
Comfort: 10 - this saddle supports you where you need it and does not put undue pressure on the sitting bones
Power Transfer: 8 - I found that this saddle was lacking in power transfer - i wanted something a little harder to push against for those power bursts
When used: La Ruta 2003 (3 day race across Costa Rica), Adventure racing, and several 8 hour races
Recommendation: Good for people who like a plush saddle or those that are just starting out (as I was).

Terry Damselfly
After a year of racing I got hooked and wanted to try the shorter stuff. As mentioned in the earlier paragraph, I wanted something a little harder for power transfer. So on a friend's recommendation I tried the Terry Damselfly.
Comfort: 8 - not as comfy as the terry butterfly but was fine for up to 8 hours in the saddle
Power Transfer: 10 - this saddle is perfect for racing - especially the shorter races where you are using your upper zones
When used: TransRockies, Shorter Canada Cup/ Norba style races
Recommendation: Perfect saddle for shorter (2-6) hour races; both road and mountain

Terry Firefly
In 2006 I decided to try 24hr solo racing. It had always appealed to me and with our move to the US it seemed like a good time to make the change. I knew I didn't want to ride the damselfy for 24hrs straight, especially on a rough mountain bike course. So I did some research and decided to give the Firefly a try. I wasn't disappointed! This saddle is firm but forgiving, and a little wider than the damselfly.
Comfort: 10 - I could ride forever with this saddle
Power Transfer: 9 - I can't honestly give it a 10 because I just don't push the high power zones any more. I have no complaints about power transfer though!
When used: I've completed seven 24hr Solos and countless hours of training with this saddle and haven't walked away with a saddle sore yet!
Recommendation: This is a great saddle for anyone who loves to ride or race long distances.

And where can you get one of these handy saddles? If you are in the Seattle area you can go to Sammamish Valley Cycle and pick one up - otherwise you can find one online. Happy riding!