Thursday, October 30, 2014

Eeek ... back to work already!

Yes. It's true. Today was my first day!!! I procrastinated writing this post for quite a while .. I think mostly because I didn't quite feel ready to return to work :)

So how was my first day? It was mixed :) I learned a few things:
1. It is easier to pump at a time that will make me late for a meeting rather than leaving a meeting early. Leaving a meeting early seems impossible.
2. I don't have to pump as often as Maya eats - she eats every 2 hours - today I got away with pumping every 4 hours
3. Maya is totally exhausted after 8 hours at daycare. She has been sleeping since 5:45 (it's 7:16 now) ... while I know she needs her sleep, I miss her and am half tempted to let Emily wake her up (Emily wants to play with her ;-))

Other things I already knew like:
- Taking time to pump is going to be hard and I have to be hardcore to ensure it happens
- I miss Maya like crazy, but am also happy to be back in the office
- Yes, I am *that* mom, I called to check in. But only once :)
- Nothing is as urgent as it felt when I left. Nothing compares to the stress of an infant in pain ...
- Nothing really changed :)

So ... yup ... back to work and desperately trying to figure out a good work/family/sport balance while Maya still wakes to eat every 2 hours :$

Yes, I left early. And I plan to leave early for a while :)

On the up side, came home to a wonderful meal ... yes, the food fairies visited today ... even Apple Pie for dessert! I am so thankful that the Kellers have adopted me :)

Getting snuggles while I can ... how I spent my last few days with Maya

Cutie pie

Morning Smiles

Afternoon giggles