Saturday, September 27, 2014

Almost 3 months already????

Where did the time go? Maya will be 3 months in just over a week. I have no idea how that much time went so quickly, and yet some of the minutes seemed to creep by soooo slowly!!

Maya has grown so much - she can do so many things now and is learning new things daily, it seems!  Here is a quick update on our newest family member ...

She loves to sing and talk. She is a really social baby :) Her favorite 'toy' is people ;-) So when she is awake, we are talking, singing, or playing some silly game. It's so much fun!

She laughs and just this weekend learned how to giggle - oh how that laughter brightens even the toughest day! I was not prepared for the emotional roller coaster that comes with a baby ... (I am guessing some of it is lack of sleep and some is just 'normal') ... but her giggles and smiles just melt my heart!

She recognizes people - she has recognized myself and Jonathan for a while now, but totally recognizes Emily's voice, and Grandma, Papa, and Aunt Jenn too! It's so fun to watch!!

She can grab things - and has a strong grip! She regularly grips the sun, one of her favorite toys and pulls so hard that she undoes the Velcro and it comes tumbling down :) She also likes to grab hands, fingers, and hair :) Emily has to be careful now with her hair ;-)

She's very curious about the world around her - always checking out people and noises.

She loves the outdoors. Getting outside will calm her almost immediately ... and she now likes to go for walks in the bjorn and look around. it's pretty fun :)

She still struggles with her tummy, but we are making progress. With the wedge and food elimination (no dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, bananas, almonds, broccoli, yeast, green beans, lima beans, kidney beans, pineapple, or cranberry), she sleeps 4 hours in a row each night - so nice! Naps are mostly in the Bjorn but I've managed to get her to nap on the wedge or rock and play sleeper a few times.  And I've even managed to shower a few times when it is just her and I! Progress, my friends, progress :)

Maya posing on the couch ...
Tummy time! 

Maya's wedge